About Me

My photo
Hey there, I'm Maribel. I am married and reside in southern CA. I'm someone who constantly takes their camera everywhere. I think things out before I do them 90% of the time. I honestly don't know what to do with photos I take half the time, so I guess I'll post them here.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I don't like using that word.. It sounds soo.. I don't know.

Well as if I haven't posted ENOUGH photos of my niece as it is, I'm about to post more. I liked how these turned out. Natural lighting + backdrop+ very minor editing=

I want to start doing "photoshoots" and earn at least a little bit of money off of it. I just don't know how to go about it. D: 

Shortest post yet. Nice.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need to rant.

Ok, how do i start off..

Hm.. I HATE when people say all these things about the country we live in (U.S.A) I kind of understand when people from different countries say rude things about Americans and the United states, but the people that were born and raised here, the people that have never even traveled elsewhere.. Where does this come from?
Most people I know say things like "I hate this country, the people, and EVERYTHING about it."

Umm, most of these people just say this because everyone else does. They have no valid reason behind this, they have no explanation as to why they "feel" that way. Yes, I do know that this country hasn't been too uh, great these past years, but it's NOT complete crap as others want to make it seem. They've obviously never traveled to most other parts of the world (neither have I) But I'm not stupid enough to say we have it SOOOO horrible and that this country is shit. I am patriotic, I am proud of what I am and where I am from. I am Mexican American. Not just Mexican, not just American. BOTH. because I am both. It makes me laugh how people born here only embrace one thing, as if saying both is terrible.

As I said, there are unfortunate circumstances going on, BUT.. come on, seriously?

Another thing, the majority of the people that say these things NEVER even talk about wanting to leave, (putting aside that some are too young) they don't ever make plans to leave, or to travel to a different part of a world. HELL, not even across the country. If you hated something or some place SOOOO much as you always claim, wouldn't you have it in  your head to leave when you were able to? wouldn't you plan it out? wouldn't you plan ahead? Of course I understand that it's not as easy as getting up to leave and making a living somewhere else.. still though. I don't understand.

It's almost "cool" to say "America sucks" It's something everyone says without thinking. They don't even have a reason or solid explanation to say such things. If you are going to make statements as such at least be able to explain why.
"It just sucks."  Isn't a reason.. just saying.

Why does it seem "dirty" to be patriotic? Fuck that.

End rant. (for now)


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Niece- Backyard- & More randoms-

My sister bought a blacklight for her room, then i wrote on my hand with a highlighter. Would definitely prefer this over a regular fluorescent light.

My niece and an ugly dress..
hahah. her faces are so weird/funny.

All cleannnn. <33

 Canon. (: Many Nikons seem too limited in settings and whatnot. Meh.. dunno.

I had to water the plants and everything in my backyard. While watering the plants, I noticed how nice everything looked at that time of day. (Getting dark) When I got done I decided to photos. 

Dear lord, I love bokeh in photos. Especially in these.

There's peaches, chilis, pomegranates, and various other things in my backyard.. What do you expect?! We're Mexican!

Making cupcakes- Ehh, they're whatever. I don't understand the hype.

Funfetti. I wasn't done mixing.

Lamp. No?

I don't care if it looks pretty or not, I'm going to eat it anyway. Shut upppp. >:]

Hung out with a friend. Ate, talked, headed out to Riverside. Reflection

ah the shadows.

Tyler mall. Riverside.

Decoration.al macarons?

End here.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

7-31 through 8-2-2010

End of July. My friend, her brother, and I headed out to Manhattan beach. 

Wow. I love how the truck/Letters don't look modern. I had a few seconds to take the photo, so there's the blurriness. 

My dream car.. although it isn't a car..

It's Jacob!


Heading home.. LAKERS! hell yeah. 3peat for '11! I wish we would have stopped to look. ): haha

8/1/10 My niece was born! We went to Riverside to see the baby and were there from 4 up until 9. Hospitals are SOOOOOO boring.

My brother- hospital cafeteria

heading to the car

8/2/10 Niece and sister come home.

mm subway

Niece. awh. First baby by any of my siblings.

END. (: