About Me

My photo
Hey there, I'm Maribel. I am married and reside in southern CA. I'm someone who constantly takes their camera everywhere. I think things out before I do them 90% of the time. I honestly don't know what to do with photos I take half the time, so I guess I'll post them here.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

summer and random photos taken in July

Bunnies given to my brother by a friend.

a large mo-fucken spider outside, close to the window. 

$400 piggy bank money


Odd sunset (:

Watermelon ice!

PB&J blueberry bagel= REALLY FULL!

Fav. show 


all different settings

later on I went to starbucks. just because. Green tea frappuccino is bomb.  and I'll plague this post with photos of drinks.

and off to Victorias since my friend was going to get something.
and we saw little girls looking at bras and such.. wth?

$2 dollar movie theater

Damnnnn.. way too much. -not ours