About Me

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Hey there, I'm Maribel. I am married and reside in southern CA. I'm someone who constantly takes their camera everywhere. I think things out before I do them 90% of the time. I honestly don't know what to do with photos I take half the time, so I guess I'll post them here.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blues and Greens

Origami lucky stars are entertaining.

I remember a long while back I saw these odd paper stars and always wanted to make them.
I finally remember a few weeks back that they even existed so I ordered them on Amazon.
They arrived 2 days ago and I started making them yesterday.

Both of these came together. I believe they cost $3 dollars. Not too bad. They're really cute and colorful.

Since I just learned how to make these yesterday the majority of them didn't turn out too great. 
Believe it or not, the amount of stars in the container are one pack. I did throw away a few because I kept messing up, but whatever. I still have half of them to make. I think I can even cut regular scrapbook paper and see how they turn out.