About Me

My photo
Hey there, I'm Maribel. I am married and reside in southern CA. I'm someone who constantly takes their camera everywhere. I think things out before I do them 90% of the time. I honestly don't know what to do with photos I take half the time, so I guess I'll post them here.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Niece- Backyard- & More randoms-

My sister bought a blacklight for her room, then i wrote on my hand with a highlighter. Would definitely prefer this over a regular fluorescent light.

My niece and an ugly dress..
hahah. her faces are so weird/funny.

All cleannnn. <33

 Canon. (: Many Nikons seem too limited in settings and whatnot. Meh.. dunno.

I had to water the plants and everything in my backyard. While watering the plants, I noticed how nice everything looked at that time of day. (Getting dark) When I got done I decided to photos. 

Dear lord, I love bokeh in photos. Especially in these.

There's peaches, chilis, pomegranates, and various other things in my backyard.. What do you expect?! We're Mexican!

Making cupcakes- Ehh, they're whatever. I don't understand the hype.

Funfetti. I wasn't done mixing.

Lamp. No?

I don't care if it looks pretty or not, I'm going to eat it anyway. Shut upppp. >:]

Hung out with a friend. Ate, talked, headed out to Riverside. Reflection

ah the shadows.

Tyler mall. Riverside.

Decoration.al macarons?

End here.


  1. Your pictures are beautiful! You are very talented to be so young! Keep it up!

  2. ohh, thank you. Appreciate it. :)

  3. Oh my gosh, these are beautiful! Can I post some of these on my blog? (I would give you credit of course!) Also, I couldn't help but notice your cupcake and strawberry on the wall. I write for allthingscupcake.com, and if you have more cool cupcake photos, I might be able to feature you in a post there too! Let me know! You can reach me through www.robinmerrill.com.
